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And Then Came The Answer
A healthy soil is the foundation of the food system
Dr. Jackson came into the knowledge of the product he produced in a peculiar way, much like the way Penicillin came to be. Here is the story as best as I know as it came right from his lips. I came to know Dr. Jackson during my 20 years in Colorado as both a business associate and ultimately a very, very good friend. He fell asleep in Christ two years ago and to this day I miss our talks and his zest for life. He was one of a kind and was even recognized in his late 60s or early 70s in Who’s Who for Excellence in Research and Entrepreneurship.
He was truly a remarkable man. He was the creator, in a manner of speaking of the product we now represent
and a prolific writer. His books are so voluminous that one could workout with them. They are used in many colleges in the AG department to this day. His last book on the subject of “The Answer” is over 8,000 pages. I have his last three books in my study, one of which is over 3,000 pages – a light weight or so it is said. Within the pages of his largest volume are the results of his lifelong pursuit to reclaim the soil’s capacity to grow all vegetation abundantly. With over 1500 verified testing in it pages, one will find it more than they ever dreamed of as far as information is concerned. He delved into the depths of one of our most important natural resources, the subject of soil, its importance and the need to care for it. Thus, the name of our company EarthGen215, LLC was established, which is inspired by Genesis 2:15. “The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden. He placed him there to work its ground and to take care of it.” He and I knew this verse well.
When I was 8 years old, I lived and was brought up between two dairy farms just outside the small town of Franklin, NY. I experienced a wonderful childhood there and it was in that valley where I was introduced to the importance of tending to our gardens and the significance of worms. I was even encouraged by my mom and dad to form a business of selling worms to fishermen. And so, it went. Who would have thought it would all come back into play years later!
A particular day would change Dr. Jackson's life forever. In the far west, many times when mining for gold, the
gold molecules wind up in carbon rich material. So, he and his business partner applied their best efforts
to separate the gold molecules by using ovens in an attempt to burn off the carbon all the while keeping
the gold molecules from going up the flue with the carbon molecules. It was a most challenging task as
regulating the ovens became like trying to shoot a moving target. One moment, the ovens’ heat would
need to be boosted for the increased amount of carbon in the sample and next, they would need to be
brought down a degree or two due to decrease amount of carbon. Most of the time, the gold molecules
would go up the flue with the carbon elements. They both had done well in the business, but decided to
stop this singular effort. Dr. Jackson told me he had a bad case of “gold fever” in those days and was going to
stop working in the gold space entirely. It was at this moment of time, as they were closing down the
operation, that a man came in to his office. This man said that his naturally occurring bugs would eat all
the carbon away and leave Dr. Jackson the ore. Dr. Jackson was so ready to stop his efforts (due to the “fever”) that he told the man to “just put them in the 5-gallon bucket over there in the corner – we are closing up shop.”
He bid the man a good day and never heard from him again. Well, in three days, the bucket began to smell and within 3 weeks, the bucket was empty leaving only the traces of ore on the bottom! Bill was so enamored with what the bugs could do that he commenced a lifelong effort (and within years, a successful effort) to harness the astonishing potential of these bugs. Along with other activating properties, the product is now OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) certified. This designation ensures the user that the product meets ridged standards and when applied alone, the ensuing agricultural product will also meet those standards. It being able to be labeled as “Organic” if one chooses. Through his tremendous effort, we now have the product line available today through EarthGen215, LLC.
Dr. Jackson understood that, with the overuse of chemical feralization, our soils have become inhospitable to the very microorganisms that are needed to break down the mineral content that is naturally abundant in the soil. The soil becomes “dead” in a sense, and earthworms head deeper into the ground to avoid the toxic layers that they should be inhabiting. Earth worms are our Maker’s chief engineers that (among many other things) not only create soil, but fertilize it and aerate it. In turn, it allows the gases that the microorganisms create while consuming and breaking down the minerals to penetrate up through the soil to feed the plants. These gases are allowed to permeate more readily as they use the worm pathways that are created when laying out on the top of the soil to procreate. The plants on the surface desperately need these gases. Incidentally, 70% of a plants (which includes trees) uptake their nutrients through the leaves, so one can now understand the need for an ideal
environment where earth worms and naturally occurring microbes can create a symphony of sorts. The good microbes, are enriched by the “harmony” that the ground and plants are composing on an electrical and vibrational level. The insects that are not wanted on the crops do not care for the “music” so to speak, thus they leave your fields on their own accord. This occurrence removes the need for any kind of pesticides! Also, as a result of being a strong plant or tree, these electrically, physically, chemically and biologically enhanced plants do not attract undesirable insects like grasshoppers. The good microbes, just like ourselves, like good music!
As mentioned above, healthy soil is the foundation of the food system and is usually broken down into
three major factors: Biological, Physical and Chemical. Conventional farming often emphasizes the chemical factors and neglects both the physical and biological (microbial and macrobiotic makeup). Organic farming often emphasizes the biological and physical factors and may fall short on the chemical. EarthGen215 is concerned about building a consistent and complex soil system to support annual production. Sharp management and a keen eye for detail are crucial for farmers today. Therefore, because of EarthGen215 (via the manufacturing process that Dr. Jackson introduced), there is now the fourth factor. The fourth essential factor is the ‘Electrical.’ Our product line now also works ‘Electrically’ to improve, alter, and increase the results of each of the other three factors, essentially taking each factor to its maximum potential.
Our product line is the best solution for reversing soil degradation. As mentioned above, the key to optimal soil health is through biological, physical, chemical and electrical balance, thus providing optimal potential.
Here is what our product will provide:
ï‚· Increased plant growth and better plant nutritional quality
ï‚· Higher Brix levels (more “energy” in the plant)
ï‚· Increased ability for nutrient uptake
ï‚· Increased fine feeder root formation
ï‚· Particular benefit for legumes (e.g., in pasture)
ï‚· Increased nodulation in legumes
ï‚· Increased chlorophyll content (for photosynthesis)
ï‚· Lower free nitrogen content in plant tissue (higher quality)
ï‚· Reduced pest and disease pressure
Basically, when using the product one can be assured of growing plants that are both safe and
considerably more nutritious. There is little to no need for the use of fertilizer (NPK) or pesticide due to the
strength of the plant by the overall influence of the fourth factor. Because of this strengthening
influence, the plants naturally ward off pests. Pests that destroy crops are predominantly opportunists.
By Design, they naturally take out the weakest in the crop. Since the crops that are produced by our
product are stronger and more nutritionally hardy, they themselves are not weak, and neither are those
who consume them - meaning us!
Myself and two other gentlemen who also have deep ties to the agriculture and ranching space formed
this company as a result of seeing the immense challenges farmers and ranchers are facing today.
Challenges being an over 300% increase in fertilizer prices and over a 250% increase in diesel prices.
Farmers are finding that the very act of planting has become too costly. We are here to not only make it
less expensive to plant but also, the abundance they will find will exceed their expectation. They will be
able to restore their land to its most abundant state. Application is only required once a year. We
provide the product in both the liquid and powdered form.
In closing, we three here and our representatives at EarthGen215, LLC want to tend to these particular challenges immediately, and not just what has surfaced here in Florida where I live. We can correct the die off of Manatee, as
well as the fish and shellfish populations by choosing a more advantageous path. In the meantime, we can also achieve greater yields and repair our soil and waterways without using what has caused the problem. Products that are being used now are feeding algae blooms here in Florida which cover waterways that need light to grow sea grass. Sea grass feeds the Manatees and without it the Manatees will perish. It is that simple. The Manatee issue touches our hearts. In addition to that heartfelt issue, the challenge is also prevalent in both the fish and shellfish space, as well as the agricultural industry as a whole. The Manatee are simply a symptom of a much greater challenge. We must alter course here in our country and across the world.
Our product is not a band aid approach. It is a rectifying and preventative approach. We three have The Answer and we can, with the involvement of all, not only right this ship, but keep it on course and leave it in good
standing for future generations.
We here at EARTHGN 215 desire to leave a land of plenty for not only ourselves, but the plants and animals that live with us – just as our Maker designed it. “Adam, tend to it and keep it.”
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