Genesis 2:15
And the Lord God took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

The Farmer's Friend
Here's What We Can Do For Your Farm:
Lower Your Costs
Increase Your Yields
Fix Your Soil
Decrease Your Herbicide Usage
Decrease Your Insecticide Usage
Decrease Your Irrigation Usage
All Products Manufactured and Made in the U.S.A.

REAL RESULTS 2024 Eastern N.C.
Here's a DRONE spraying EarthGen 215 Products

Nano-Ag by EarthGen215

EarthGen 215
“Our mission at EarthGen 215 is to naturally rejuvenate and organically recondition one of the earth’s most important and most vital natural resources – The Soil.
Humanity over many decades has stripped and depleted the soil of many of its key nutrients and minerals that should have provided countless bountiful, healthy harvests and yields year after year. Instead, we have deprived our soil and replaced valuable nutrients and minerals with dangerous toxic chemicals that not only affect the quality of the soil, but all of the surrounding environment as well.
Our goal and mission at EarthGen 215 is to greatly improve soil quality worldwide……one community, one company, one business, one organization, one farmer, one rancher, one gardener or one person at a time through the introduction of our proven all natural, organic and economical superior quality agricultural and livestock products and product lines…… and to continue the 37 year plus Legacy of Dr. William R. Jackson to Enhance Our Incredible Natural Resource…..The Soil”
Certification Files
Our Products Have The Following Certifications
OMRI - Organic Material Review Institute - The following product(s) is OMRI Listed. It may be used in certified organic production or food processing and handling according to
the USDA National Organic Program regulations.
KOSHER - Certificate of Kashruth - A rabbinic Agency verified they have checked the products ingredients, production facility and actual production to ensure all ingredients, derivatives, tools and machinery have no trace of non kosher substances. The Kosher Certified symbol assures consumers that both the actual product and its production adhere to all Kosher Law requirements.
Send me your information so that we can start a conversation about how we can help your farm or ranch improve it's productivity with the EarthGen215 products.
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